Our new Bumps & Babies Support Group aims to support you as you begin your journey with your new baby.
You can sign up for a session here via Eventbrite.
It may be your 1st or 10th baby, but each is special and all are welcome.
Bumps & Babies Support Group is run by mums who understand (with professional advice to hand) and we want to support you with a safe place to meet others, talk openly and foster friendships.
We will have a session-specific topic each week (i.e. feeding, baby massage etc).
And for that reason, and so we can get to know you properly, we’d encourage you to plan to come to all the weekly Wednesday sessions throughout this coming half term: 10.00-11.00am on Wednesday 16th June through to Wednesday 14th July.
Follow this link to sign up for the Bumps & Babies Support Group.
It’s obviously important to offer you a Covid-secure experience and so, at the moment, we sadly cannot accommodate toddlers.