The following links are MP3 files. Click on one of the catalogue links to listen to a particular message right now. Alternatively, right-click on the links to download MP3 files to your computer. You can then open the files in your chosen media player or transfer them to a portable MP3 player.

Talk Link 'Fruit of the Spirit - Love 1 Corinthians 13: 1-13 Roger Barden 26th September PM
Talk Link Thr Fruit of the Spirit: Joy Psalm 30 Pastor Wes Johnston 3rd October PM
Talk Link Patience is a fruit! James 5: 7-12 Pastor Wes Johnston 17th October PM
Talk Link Fruit of the Spirit - Kindness 2 Samuel 9: 1-13 Roger Barden 24th October PM
Talk Link How do we change and grow? Galatians 5: 16-26 Pastor Matthew Seymour 31st October PM
Talk Link Faithfulness isn't for wimps Genesis 22: 1-18 Pastor Wes Johnston 7th November PM
Talk Link A gentle answer... 2 Timothy 2: 16-26 Pastor Wes Johnston 21 November PM
Talk Link Self Control - the Spirit's fruit of treasuring Christ giving us power to say no Colossians 1: 24 - 2: 23 Pastor Matthew Seymour 28th November PM