Welcome to Emmanuel

Sharing God’s word – showing God’s love.

Welcome from our Pastor

Watch our services online

Why not get in touch?

Children's Church

Every Sunday during 9.30am service

I'm new

If this is your first visit to Emmanuel or you’ve never been to church…

What's on

There’s a lot going on at Emmanuel – keep up to date with the calendar.

Listen again

We record all of our Sunday talks – listen online or download a Podcast.

Students at Emmanuel

Come and join our student and young adult ministries

Emmanuel Preschool

Open Door Cafe

Thursday mornings from 10-12

Discoverers & Pulse

Monday evening groups for children & youth

Join dads for play & craft for 0-7s.

First Saturday each month

Emmanuel Tots

wednesday mornings from birth to school

Lunch Plus

First Friday each month

Upcoming Events