The retelling of the story of an early morning breakfast by the sea always thrills me (John 21). After a roller-coaster of a couple of weeks, the disciples gather at the seashore and decide to revert back to a spot of what most of them were naturally trained for - fishing. It proves fruitless, a whole night out and their efforts are rewarded with empty nets. A gentle early morning instruction about where to fish from the shore side by the Risen One (aka the Creator), and the specialists are astonished by such an abounding catch.
Likewise, we so often fall back on ourselves doing what we feel natural and comfortable with (it might not be fishing but I’m sure you know your own habits). We try to live Godly lives before our family, friends and colleagues but it’s when we really listen, and obey that we become aware of the working of God’s abounding grace. It’s not simply about enjoying the sermon, but speaking out for Christ, including to those who we’d naturally consider won’t catch the message.
For us all: a gentle early morning instruction, obeying God’s Word and we’ll be astonished at the abounding grace of God.
Andy Walker